27 Οκτωβρίου, 2020

Introducing “Fully Human: The Special Call of Special Needs” A New Ministry of the GOA Center for Family Care


The Center for Family Care is excited to announce the launching of a twice monthly, online ministry designed to lift up the unique gifts of individuals and families with special needs. Fully Human can be found by following us on FB, https://www.facebook.com/centerforfamilycare as well as on the CFC website, www.family.goarch.org.

Our graphic features four well-known Orthodox saints who faced physical and intellectual challenges in their lives, including:

St. Matrona of Moscow the Wonderworker who was blind from birth,
St. Sergius of Radonezh who had difficulty learning to read as a child,
St. Paraskevi who was blinded in persecution and is known for healing sight-related ailments,
St. John Maximovitch The Wonderworker of San Francisco who had a severe speech impediment his entire life.
By lifting up the sayings and life examples of these and other Saints, and drawing upon the teachings of Holy Scripture and wisdom related to true personhood in Christ, “Fully Human” will seek to encourage persons with special needs and their caregivers to realize and energize their special calling in the Lord. Jesus Christ’s “power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, when faced with physiological challenges persons can take heart that the Lord seeks to work His special power through the very things the world misunderstands as weaknesses.

For questions and further information regarding this ministry, contact Presvytera Melanie DiStefano at presmelanie@goarch.org.

