10 Ιανουαρίου, 2020

Letter From President Cantonis to HCHC Community Regarding NECHE Accreditation And HCHC Restructuring


Dear HCHC Community,

As you know, the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), one of HCHC’s accrediting bodies, has been in continuous conversation with us as we restructure toward a sustainable education and business model. On November 21, 2019, a team of trustees and senior administrators presented to the Commission at a “show cause” hearing. Our presentation focused on specific areas of concern raised by NECHE in earlier meetings and correspondence.

Today, NECHE and HCHC are jointly announcing that the Commission has decided to place us on probation and work with us to fix our challenges. HCHC remains fully accredited with both NECHE and the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) and we remain eligible for federal funding, including student financial aid.

We want everyone to know that we are more dedicated than ever to our students and the future of the Church. We are currently building a new management team that will address these issues and move the School forward. We also have new board leadership in place. Fr. Jon Magoulias from Modesto, CA was recently appointed as Vice Chairman of the Board. Father Jon’s years of experience and wisdom will bring a renewed sense of importance to the work of the board and everything we have to accomplish. Over the next few months, the administration, together with the board, will work to bolster our governance, operations, finances, advance a major fundraising campaign, and renew our academic programs and enrollment strategy.

The board, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends of HCHC are fully invested in this turnaround. Over the next twelve months, we have an opportunity to secure a vibrant future for HCHC and to respond successfully to the Commission’s expectations of compliance with its Standards for Accreditation.

We have the fortitude and capacity to uphold these standards, and we want you to know that we have already commenced and made progress on meeting and exceeding these standards. We have begun by:

We see this as a call to action.

We’ve only just begun to demonstrate what the HCHC community can do together. We look forward to working with you to secure a vibrant future for our School.


George M. Cantonis


Hellenic College, Inc.
