15 Νοεμβρίου, 2020

Meeting of military chaplains with Bishop Arsenije


His Grace Bishop of Nis Arsenije, who is in charge of the Army ministry, celebrated the Holy Liturgy in the Cathedral in Nis, together with the chaplains of the Serbian Army, on November 7, 2020.

At the Small Entrance, the Rt Reverend Bishop promoted priest George Dimic, a military priest of the Land Army, to the rank of archpriest. After the dismisaal, His Grace the Bishop awarded the high decoration of the Diocese of Nis – Order of St. Roman of Djunis of the second degree to Dr. Jovica Stanojkovic, a retired colonel of the Serbian Army, for his love for the Holy Mother Church.

After the Liturgy, the Bishop held a meeting with the priests of the Serbian Army in the Diocesan Palace.


Source: Diocese of Nis

