01/02/2022 01/02/2022 The memory of St. Basil the Confessor was commemorated on Tuesday at the pilgrimage and Church of the Holy Wisdom in the northern Greece metropolis of Thessaloniki, where the saint’s Holy Relics are preserved and were displayed for veneration by the faithful. An Orthros and Divine Liturgy was officiated by Archimandrite Fr. Irineos.
01 Φεβρουαρίου, 2022 - 19:50

Memory of St. Basil the Confessor commemorated in Thessaloniki

Memory of St. Basil the Confessor commemorated in Thessaloniki

The memory of St. Basil the Confessor was commemorated on Tuesday at the pilgrimage and Church of the Holy Wisdom in the northern Greece metropolis of Thessaloniki, where the saint’s Holy Relics are preserved and were displayed for veneration by the faithful.

An Orthros and Divine Liturgy was officiated by Archimandrite Fr. Irineos.

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