23 Οκτωβρίου, 2020

Message from Kosovo and Metohija: “Thank you for not forgetting us!” – Protinica Svetlana Stevich


With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Irinej, during the course of the last year, throughout our entire Diocese of Eastern America, a collection of donations in various forms was organized for our suffering people in Kosovo and Metohija, through the Department of Religious Education headed by it Director, Protodeacon Jovan Anicic, under the banner:




During this humanitarian action over 5,000 different quality clothing items for children, youth and adults were collected, consisting of 131 packages with an estimated total value of over $23,000. In addition, $13,400 was raised as a donation. Following the completion of the fundraising campaign, and after a long delivery process, our Diocese was informed that the aid had finally arrived at its intended destination in Kosovo.

In her letter of appreciation, which was sent to our Diocese, Protinica Svetlana Stevich, President of the “Nine Yugovich’s Mother” Charitable Organization of the Diocesan Administrative Board of Raska and Prizren states, among other things: “This magnanimous gesture, which is important for our children and their suffering parents, because they are now given an opportunity to warm up during cold days. The distribution of goods covered the entire region of Vitina in Kosovo and Metohija, and that warmed our hearts.”

In expressing thanks for the aid, Protinica mentioned that a donation of school supplies, which is needed by Serbian students in Kosovo and Metohija, would be of great benefit. On this occasion we invite all people of good will, in our Diocese and throughout America, to get involved in this newest drive for collecting school supplies.

In the continuation of the letter, Protinica Svetlana adds: “We take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for this help, which, despite numerous temptations, has found its way to us. Thank you for not forgetting us and for the great understanding and compassion you showed for your own people in this area.”

Protinica concluded her sincere letter of appreciation with this prayerful message: “Thank you for your help and support, we wish you all the best from the Lord, praying that He will reward good with good. Sincerely from Kosovo and Metohija…”


— easterndiocese.org
