31/10/2019 31/10/2019 It is not only the faithful who receive holy blessings (agiasmo) in the Greek Orthodox Church, as it is a very common practice to see Greek priests blessing new homes, shops, buildings, cars, schools, etc. And when Archimandrite Parthenios, a young Priest from a local Church of Trikkis and Stagon in Trikala purchased a new...
31 Οκτωβρίου, 2019 - 14:31
Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 31/10/2019 - 14:34

Metropolitan from Trikala blesses local Priest’s new car

Metropolitan from Trikala blesses local Priest’s new car

It is not only the faithful who receive holy blessings (agiasmo) in the Greek Orthodox Church, as it is a very common practice to see Greek priests blessing new homes, shops, buildings, cars, schools, etc.

And when Archimandrite Parthenios, a young Priest from a local Church of Trikkis and Stagon in Trikala purchased a new car to be able to move around the city, it was only fitting for the Metropolitan himself to want to bless the new vehicle.

The Metropolitan of Trikkis and Stagon, Chrysostomos, along with the Priest’s friends, surprised Archimanridite Parthenios by giving him well wishes for his new car and also praying for him to have safe travels every time he gets behind the steering wheel.

According to Trikalaola.gr the young Priest is very active within the local community and is always running around trying to help as many people as he can. To do this, he needed a car to get him around and he was very surprised and grateful that Metropolitan Chrystosomos gave him such good wishes.



— Source: trikalaola.gr & greekcitytimes.com

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