06 Δεκεμβρίου, 2021

Metropolitan of Piraeus Seraphim on recent visit by Roman Catholic pope to Greece: ‘before us came one who insists on deception; tarnishing the message of the Gospel in the western world’


The Metropolitan of Piraeus, His Eminence Seraphim, speaking during a sermon at the celebrating cathedral of St. Nicholas, in the port city of Piraeus, after a Vespers on the occasion of the feast day of the patron saint of seafarers, referred to a recent three-day visit to Greece of Roman Catholic pope Francis.

Among others, His Eminence noted that “…while hospitality is an honor of our race, no matter who one is, and no matter from where they hail from …before us came one who insists on deception, tarnishing the message of the Gospel in the western world, and altering the unbroken patriarchal faith of the first 10 centuries. His system is anti-evangelical; the behavior of all of his subordinates conflicts with the Gospel and the Holy Canons, in other words, the Holy Spirit.”
