01 Οκτωβρίου, 2019

Military Bishop Arsenije with military chaplains


With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Arsenije of Nis, who is in charge of Army chaplains, a meeting of this newly elected Army Bishop with military chaplains of the Serbian Armed Forces was held in the monasteries of Saint John the Baptist at Poganovo and of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God in Sukovo on 28 and 29 September 2019.

Military chaplains participated in the Vigil service officiated by chief military chaplain protopriest Sladjan Vlajic. The next day, on Sunday, His Grace Arsenije of Nis presided over the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of military chaplains in the monastery of Sukovo.

With the blessing of His Grace, presbyter Vladan Vukovic held a sermon on the Gospel reading.

After the Liturgy Bishop Arsenije addressed the clergy, monks and gathered people, talking about the mission of military chaplains and a need to pray for each other.

The working meeting was held in the premises of the monastery of Sukovo. After the introduction speech of the Army Bishop Arsenije and a short expose of the chief military chaplain, present military chaplains had an opportunity to express their opinions on a further improvement of the spiritual service and on activities of military chaplains in the Serbian Armed Forces.

