19 Ιανουαρίου, 2021

Name – day of Archbishop Makarios of Australia



Today, when the Orthodox Church honours the memory of Saint Makarios, our local Church in Australia with one heart rejoices and is glad because our Shepherd, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, celebrates his name-day for the second year as our Archbishop and our spiritual father.
Since the arrival of His Eminence, we unceasingly praise the Triune God who blessed his steps to bring him to Australia and graced us with a loving father, who tirelessly, and with admirable zeal and much love, labours to spiritually support and raise the standard of his flock and for the progress and advancement of our Holy Archdiocese.
On the occasion of his name-day, the bishops, the clergy and the Archbishop’s co-workers, filled with deep filial love and gratitude for the spiritual fruits that his presence and ministry has already yielded, express our sincere and heart-felt wishes for health, strength and a long-life, for the glory of God and for the good of the Christian plenitude of the Greek Orthodox Church of Australia.
We pray to the infinitely good God to grant him many joyful and blessed years so that he can continue, with the same wisdom, vigour and fervour, to guide and strengthen us; but above all, to inspire in our hearts the love and peace that are reflected in his gentle look and in his warm and kind smile.

Many years, your Eminence!


Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia
