Name Day Tribute To His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia

On the occasion of the patronal feast day of His Eminence our Archbishop Makarios of Australia, we take this opportunity to wish our Shepherd in Christ warmest wishes and the abundance of our Lord’s blessings on this important day. Indeed, as we take a moment to reflect on the providence of God for our Holy Archdiocese, we express our gratitude to Him, first and foremost, who has watched over us here in Australia by sending us Archbishop Makarios.
We give voice also to our thanksgiving and indebtedness to His Eminence, who from the very first moment of his arrival to Australia over two years ago, has worked tirelessly—indeed, steadfastly and unceasingly—to engender greater fellowship and unanimity within Christ’s vineyard—the Church here within Australia and our Ecumenical Patriarchate more broadly. Indeed, with this divine gift of life-giving communion, with his excess of love, together with his gentle and noble spirit, our Archbishop has “clothed us with joy [περιέζωσας [ὑμᾶς] εὐφροσύνην]” (Ps 30:11)—the joy of Christ in our midst.
In exercising his Archiepiscopal ministry here in the Antipodes, notwithstanding the manifold challenges that the world in general has had to face in recent times—with the tenacity of the pandemic and the devasting effects to the wellbeing of people that this has created—he has remained unwaveringly committed to directing the lives of his faithful towards Christ, and placing their hope in His unfailing love.
He has reminded us that Christ alone is victorious in all things and that only in Him will we be able to rebuild our lives once again in His truth and unfading light. To be sure, the prayer and underlying message of Archbishop Makarios—in all that he says and does—has been that the love of Christ and neighbour may permeate every facet of the lives of the faithful people of God here in Australia!
Based on this foundation “with Jesus Christ Himself as the cornerstone” (Eph 2:20), the Orthodox Church in Australia has witnessed an unprecedented dynamism and vitality with Archbishop Makarios at Her helm. By way of example, with over forty ordinations—to the diaconate, priesthood and episcopacy—during his tenure as our Archbishop of Australia, and other major administrative restructuring of our Archdiocese, our Church has certainly been strengthened and better placed to meet the manifold challenges of the 21st century.
Also, with the youth undoubtedly pre-eminent on his mind, rejoicing in seeing them “walk in the truth” (cf. 3 Jn 3)—we remain assured that our Church will have been given faithful ministers in service of the Gospel well into the future.
Accordingly, on the feast day of St Makarios the Great, we pray that our loving God will continue to grant our Archbishop many blessed years in his difficult yet sacred mission in the service of Christ so that our Leader in Christ may continue to guide the Church, strengthen the faith and bring the peace, the joy and presence of our Lord here in the Antipodes.
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