21 Οκτωβρίου, 2022

National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians Bestows Saint Romanos Medallions


Every two years the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians presents the Saint Romanos Medallion to worthy church musicians of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America who have made exemplary contributions to church music at the local, Metropolis and Archdiocese levels. This biennium tradition took place this year with the medallion bestowed upon Georgia Mitchell and Very Reverend Archimandrite of the Patriarchal Throne Father Anton Vrame.

Georgia Sfondouris Mitchell of Northbrook, Illinois has been a champion of the National Forum since its inception and one of its founding members. Ms. Mitchell continues her work with the National Forum on a number of projects even today. Ms. Mitchell is accomplished composer, director, accompanist, mentor and teacher. She has also been a long-time and integral part of the church music ministry in the Chicago Metropolis. Ms. Mitchell is one the Chicago Church Musicians Federation’s founders and served as board member, Vice-President and President. She has been awarded the Patriarch Athenagoras Medallion by the Chicago Musicians Federation and has been recognized and honored for her work in perpetuating Greek culture through music by numerous organizations.

Very Reverend Archimandrite Father Anton Vrame is currently the Director of Holy Cross Orthodox Press and adjunct professor at Hellenic College/Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Father Vrame’s previous position as the Archdiocese Director of Religious Education brought him into close collaboration with the National Forum on a number of projects. He first worked with the National Forum to adapt the Sunday Church School curriculum to include the teaching of hymnology to our youth. He then became a vital contributor to the National Forum’s “Oloi Mazoi” team as they worked with the Holy Eparchal Synod and the Department of Religious Education to create the music for the new standard English translation of the Divine Liturgy which parishes are using today. Father Vrame was instrumental in making many publications of the National Forum, including the Liturgical Guidebook, available through the Orthodox Marketplace. Most recently, he embraced the National Forum’s proposed on-line Sunday Church School Hymnody program. He became an integral part of the project, working with the National Forum in its development from the outset.

The National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians congratulates these two outstanding individuals on this, the highest recognition given to church musicians, and thanks them for their dedication and support of the Church Music Ministry of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.


