22 Νοεμβρίου, 2020

Nativity Fast: Let Christ show us how He sees the world, Metropolitan Iosif urges


‘Let Christ show us how He sees the world, how He sees our neighbour and each of us, and let Him look through our eyes,’ urged Metropolitan Iosif of Western and Southern Europe in a message at the beginning of the Nativity Fast 2020.

The Romanian Metropolitan stressed that the effort during the fasting period should not be only food-oriented, but to activate all the senses.

“Let us break away from everything we were before, to become more aware of our encounter with Christ, more aware of our life, of what Christ expects of us.”

The Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan of Western and Southern Europe mentioned a “chief” thing during the fasting season: “Let’s get used to being silent more these days, to be silent at home, not to be burdened with all the information, not to try to find out as many things as possible.”

“It is good that we do not pass on from one to another the bad sayings, the destructive word. What I heard on the right, I say on the left. Or what I think is right or true, I say without first verifying the truth of what has been said,” Metropolitan Iosif cautioned.

“As long as our lives last, let us strive to do as Christ did and does for us, not only until the end of our lives but until the end of time,” His Eminence said.


Photo: Basilica.ro

