19 Ιανουαρίου, 2021

Opendoors USA: More than 340 million Christians worldwide live in peril simply for following their faith


A particularly disturbing annual report was again unveiled this week by the Opendoors USA organization, whereby the latter warns that more than 340 million Christians worldwide live in places where they experience high levels of persecution, simply for following Christ. Those figures translate into one in eight believers around the world.

Each year, the World Watch List provides an unmatched glimpse into the 50 places around the world where there dangers for Christians.

The group warns that, on average, 13 Christians are killed each day for their faith; 12 are arrested or persecuted without cause, five are abducted and 12 places of worship are attacked.

The same report details the increasingly grave situation for Christians in Turkey, specifically mentioning the recent reconversions of the Hagia Sophia and the Chora Cathedral into mosques. The organization also points to official discrimination against the remaining religious minorities in the country.
