18 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021

Organisational Committee for Greek National Day of Victoria cancel Independence Day march


The Organisational Committee for Greek National Day of Victoria, has had to make the unfortunate call to officially announce the cancellation of the march for 2021.

The march to celebrate the 200th national anniversary of the beginning of the Greek revolution was scheduled to take place on Sunday, March 21 at the Shrine of Remembrance.

The committee had put great emphasis on perfecting the organisation of this year’s parade as it would mark one of the biggest events for the Greek community. It would give the Hellenism of Victoria, the opportunity to celebrate the beginning of the great liberation struggle against the Ottoman Empire that marked the founding of the newly formed Greek state.

On Wednesday 27 January, the committee held its first meeting for the new year. A reference was made to the rich program of the parish that was set to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the beginning of the Greek Revolution.

General Secretary, Antonis Tsourdalakis, congratulated and thanked the organisations, schools and parishes that showed interest in being a part of the anniversary event and declared their participation so that each of their events is included in the official program of Victoria for 2021, but also in the national program of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia.

After referring to the program, Mr Tsourdalakis told the members of the committee that due to the restrictive measures of the pandemic that still prevail in the state of Victoria and the measures imposed by the Guardians of the Shrine, they should be especially careful with handling of this year’s parade. The biggest problem the committee had to deal with was the gathering of a large number of people.

According to the regulations prevailing at the moment, the Guardians of the Monument informed Mr Tsourdalakis, that only 500 people are allowed to gather and it is strictly forbidden to exceed that number, explaining that if this happens there will be consequences and sanctions for both individuals as well as the officials of the Organisational Committee, which may include not allowing the march to go ahead in future.

Many views were exchanged on the issue with all members agreeing that their priority was the safety of their community, without endangering the wider Victorian society, but also securing that the march will be able to continue in future. The members present unanimously agreed to cancel this year’s march.

Mr Tsourdalakis, closed the meeting by highlighting that the Greek community will have the opportunity to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution through a variety of anniversary ceremonies organised by expatriates and citizens.

Although the march will not take place for the second year in a row for public health reasons, the rest of the emblematic actions and events will continue in honor of the 200th anniversary of the revolution of 1821 and those who marked the liberation struggle.

