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07.06.2024 | 15:14
Заместитель председателя ОВЦС принял участие в заседании Совета Императорского Православного Палестинского Общества
3 июня 2024 года исполнилось 142 года со дня основания Императорского Православного Палестинского Общества. В...
07.06.2024 | 15:11
I Фестиваль духовной музыки народов Христианского Востока прошел в Москве
2 июня в музее церковного искусства «Тапан» при Армянском храмовом комплексе Преображения Господня в Москве...
07.06.2024 | 15:04
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije awards Sretenje Order to Metropolitan Damaskinos of Didymoteicho
On 6 June 2024, at the History Museum in Belgrade, His Beatitude Patriarch Porfirije of...
07.06.2024 | 14:58
Sydney: Volunteer Training Course organised by the Greek Welfare Centre
The Greek Welfare Centre of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia is organising a Volunteer Training...
07.06.2024 | 14:52
Phanar: Program for the Name Day celebrations of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
On the occasion of the commemoration of the memory of the Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas,...
07.06.2024 | 14:50
The Spring International Food Festival 2024
On Sunday, May 26, 2024, the Spring International Food Festival was held, just as every...
07.06.2024 | 14:46
The Construction and painting work at the Monastery of the Holy Transfiguration in Gapyeong has been completed
From May 14th to 22nd, the monastery’s exterior walls were repaired by filling in gaps,...
07.06.2024 | 14:36
Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra to Make American Debut November 3, 2024 at Carnegie Hall
The internationally-celebrated Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra (GYSO) will make its highly-anticipated American debut at Stern...
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