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28.05.2024 | 17:31
Митрополит Зарайский Константин совершил богослужения тунисском городе Бизерте
25 мая Патриарший экзарх Африки митрополит Зарайский Константин посетил христианское кладбище в городе Бизерта (Тунисская...
28.05.2024 | 17:27
Patriarch Daniel to Romanians Everywhere: Family is the primary environment where faith is embraced
On Friday, May 24, 2024, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel delivered a message at the inauguration...
28.05.2024 | 17:23
Greek Opposition Leader Stefanos Kasselakis meets with the Patriarch of Jerusalem
Mr. Stefanos Kasselakis, president of the Greek left-wing party Syriza-Progressive Alliance, visited the Patriarchate of...
28.05.2024 | 17:20
A group of Russian-speaking believers from Northern Israel visits the Patriarchate
On Monday, May 14 / 27, 2024, His Beatitude received a group of Russian-speaking believers...
28.05.2024 | 17:03
The Sunday of the Paralytic Man in the Patriarchate
On the Sunday of the Paralytic, May 13/26, 2024, the miracle of the healing of...
28.05.2024 | 16:45
The Enthronement of Metropolitan Iakovos of Ireland in Dublin
His Eminence Metropolitan Iakovos of Ireland was enthroned by His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira...
27.05.2024 | 18:15
ПРОГРАМА за посрещането на Сливенския митрополит Арсений
На 27 май, понеделник, в 16:00 ч. ще бъде посрещнат от клирици и миряни пред...
27.05.2024 | 18:13
АКТ за каноническия избор на Сливенския митрополит
Днес, 26.05.2024 г. (двадесет и шести май две хиляди двадесет и четвърта година), 4 Неделя...
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