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27.05.2024 | 16:46
قداس عيد القديسين قسطنطين وهيلانة ٢٠٢٤
المسيح قام حقاً قام بمناسبة عيد الملكين الجليلين العظيمين المتوجين بالله قسطنطين وهيلانة ترأس الكلي...
27.05.2024 | 16:44
‎عيد القديسين قسطنطين وهيلانة المعادلان للرسل ٢٠٢٤
المسيح قام ترأس الكلي القداسة رئيس أساقفة القسطنطينية والبطريرك المسكوني برثلماوس الاول يوم الاثنين 20...
27.05.2024 | 16:29
The Battle of Crete and ANZACs Memorial at the Parish of the Transfiguration of Our Lord in Thomastown
The unveiling of the Greek-Australian Memorial of the Northern Suburbs, a Memorial dedicated to the...
27.05.2024 | 16:10
Message from Archbishop Makarios of Australia for National Reconciliation Week
Twenty-four years ago, a grand march across the Harbour Bridge in the city of Sydney...
27.05.2024 | 16:08
Archbishop Elpidophoros of America Remarks at the Official Opening of the 4th Archon International Conference on Religious Freedom
Your Beatitude, Archbishop Ieronymos II, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, Honorable John Chrysoolakis, Secretary...
27.05.2024 | 16:02
Archbishop Elpidophoros of America Celebrates Divine Liturgy at the Annunciation Metropolitan Cathedral Athens, Greece
His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the historic Annunciation Metropolitan...
27.05.2024 | 16:00
Hierodëshmor Heladhi, Theraponi i Sardës. Omologjet Joan Rusi. Dëshmor Juli në Rumani. Dëshmor Eusebioti
E hënë, 27 maj 2024 – Shenjtori i ditës. KRISHTI U NGJALL! Hierodëshmor Heladhi, Theraponi...
27.05.2024 | 15:57
His Beatitude Anastasios shares message of resilience and courage
His Beatitude Anastasios, archbishop of Tirana, Durrës and All Albania, shares a message for the...
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