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14.05.2024 | 12:54
St. Demetrios Seattle Philoxenia House Ministry Is Underway
SEATTLE – Preparations are underway for a new and exciting ministry at St. Demetrios Church....
14.05.2024 | 12:51
Deacon Gabriel Galifanakis Ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Elpidophoros of America at Dormition of the Theotokos Church Southampton, NY
Deacon Gabriel Galifanakis was ordained to the priesthood by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America...
14.05.2024 | 12:50
Save the Date 38th Annual Metropolis of Boston Ministry Awards Celebration
This year marks the 38th anniversary of our Metropolis Ministry Awards Ceremony, where we will...
14.05.2024 | 12:45
Dëshmor Isidori në Hios. Hierodëshmor Theraponti i Qipros. Dëshmorët Aristoteli, Leandri
E martë, 14 maj 2024 – Shenjtori i ditës. KRISHTI U NGJALL! Dëshmor Isidori në...
14.05.2024 | 12:41
Divine Liturgy for Thomas Sunday in the Church of Saint Ananias the Apostle – Al-Midan
With the blessing and presence of His Beatitude Patriarch John X, the Divine Liturgy for...
14.05.2024 | 12:41
Patriarch John X receiving Patriarch Al-Absi: “The Church of Antioch has always abode by the mindset of encounter and dialogue.”
Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, John X, received Greek Catholic Patriarch...
14.05.2024 | 12:40
الكلي القداسة يتلقى اتصالاً هاتفياً من فخامة رئيس اوكرانيا
المسيح قام تلقى الكلي القداسة رئيس أساقفة القسطنطينية روما الجديدة والبطريرك المسكوني برثلماوس الاول اتصالاً...
14.05.2024 | 12:39
قداس في كنيسة القديس جاورجيوس دارولاز
المسيح قام ترأس الكلي القداسة البطريرك المسكوني برثلماوس الاول يوم الخميس 9 ايار 2024، القداس...
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