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01.07.2024 | 16:01
The enthronement of the new Patriarch of Bulgaria
The enthronement ceremony of the newly elected Patriarch Daniel of Bulgaria has been held at...
01.07.2024 | 15:47
National Philoptochos Convention Begins with Liturgy, Delegate Reception
National Philoptochos kicked off its business with thorough resolution discussions and budget reviews, laying the...
01.07.2024 | 15:45
Opening of the 2024 Clergy-Laity Congress Leadership 100 Exhibit Hall
The sun shone warmly on faithful and clergy as they gathered outside the soon-to-be inaugurated...
01.07.2024 | 15:44
National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians Hold their Church Music Ministry Reception
On Sunday, June 30th, 2024, The National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians held their...
01.07.2024 | 15:35
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church Marks Beginning of 2024 Clergy-Laity Congress
A truly holy ambiance of incense, soft lights emanating from the intricate stained glass, and...
01.07.2024 | 15:31
Archbishop Elpidophoros Arrives in San Diego, California for the 2024 Clergy-Laity Congress
Saturday, June 29, 2024, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America arrived in San Diego, California...
01.07.2024 | 15:06
Anargjendët Kozma e Damian, romakë
E hënë, 1 korrik 2024 – Shenjtori i ditës. Anargjendët Kozma e Damian, romakë. Dëshmorët...
28.06.2024 | 18:27
انطلاقُ الأمانةِ العامّةِ للشّبيبةِ الأرثوذكسيّةِ لأوّلِ مرّةٍ في
مطرانيّةُ الرّومِ الأرثوذكس / المركزُ الإعلاميّ عمّان، الجمعة 28 حزيران 2024 في يومٍ مبارَكٍ خلال...
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