15 Νοεμβρίου, 2020

Patriarch Daniel expresses great sorrow and condolences after Piatra Neamț hospital fire


His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel on Saturday night expressed his condolences to the families of those who died in a fire that broke out at a hospital treating COVID-19 patients in Piatra Neamț.

Patriarch Daniel’s message: full text

We learned with great sorrow about the tragedy caused by the fire in the Intensive Care Unit at the County Hospital in Piatra Neamț, on Saturday evening, November 14, 2020, following which ten people wee killed and  seven other people were injured and in a critical condition.

In these moments of suffering and turmoil, we pray to God for the rest of the souls of the deceased and for the speedy recovery of the wounded, including the doctor on duty who put the lives of his patients above his own life.

We send a fatherly message of condolences and consolation to the families of the deceased patients, relatives, friends, as well as to all the medical staff who cared for them and who tried to save their lives.

† Daniel
Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church


