17 Μαΐου, 2024

Patriarch Daniel praises women working in medical units in annual message on Sunday of Myrrhbearers


On the Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women, when the Church pays tribute to Christian Women, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of Romania conveyed a message highlighting the courage of the Myrrhbearers, presenting them as role models for contemporary women. He expressed his gratitude to “all grandmothers, mothers, and sisters who have borne witness to Christ, the Son of God, in our lives.”

Additionally, Patriarch Daniel acknowledged with gratitude the women working in medical units, social centres, day centres, residential establishments, and home care services, where they bring comfort to the sick, encouragement to the poor and companionship to the lonely.

The Myrrh-bearing Women – Witnesses of the Lord’s Resurrection
Christ is Risen!

On the third Sunday after Pascha, also known as the Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women, we honour the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women as models of courage, faith, and humility in the Church.

Together with the Holy Apostles, the Lord’s female disciples followed the Saviour Christ as He preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven, contributing through their service to His missionary work.

Some of these women witnessed His Passion and Resurrection from the dead. Thus, on the first day of the week, Sunday, early in the morning, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph/Joses (also known as Mary of Clopas), and Salome (the wife of Zebedee and the mother of James and John) went to Jesus’ tomb to anoint His Body, according to Jewish custom, showing special reverence through the precious myrrh and aromatic oils.

Since they were the first to receive the news from the angels that the Crucified Christ had risen from the dead, they became courageous witnesses of the Lord’s Resurrection. Alongside the Mother of God, Joanna (the wife of Chuza, a steward of King Herod), Susanna, Martha and Mary (the sisters of Lazarus), and all the other holy women commemorated in the Church’s calendar represent icons of Christian women who, whether in families or monasteries, as well as in hospitals or other institutions, fulfil their calling to be bearers of Christ’s Light in a world marked by spiritual and physical suffering.

Last Sunday, on May 12, 2024, the Romanian Orthodox Church celebrated the National Day of the Family. Today, it honours the Sunday of Christian Women to highlight their mission in the Church and society.

Therefore, we thank all grandmothers, mothers, and sisters who have borne witness to Christ, the Son of God, in our lives, who have inspired us with love for Him and His Church, as well as all those who contribute to the Christian education of children, care for the sick, and ensure the efficient operation of social life.

In 2024, proclaimed by the Romanian Patriarchate as the Commemorative Year of Pastoral Care and Assistance of the Sick, we gratefully mention all women working in medical units, social centres, day centres, and residential establishments, as well as home care services, where they bring comfort to the sick, encouragement to the poor and companionship to the lonely.

Emotional support, compassion, understanding, and effective communication between the patient, their family, and medical staff are key conditions for enhancing the healing of those suffering. What is increasingly less provided by family and state institutions must be offered by the Church’s servants, as healing of the soul facilitates healing the body.

On the occasion of the Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women and the celebrations dedicated to Christian Women and Families, we give thanks to God for the blessings bestowed upon pious and hardworking Christian women, congratulating them and wishing them many years of health, joy, and God’s help, to proclaim the Resurrection of Christ, the Physician of our souls and bodies.


Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church

Photo: Doxologia / Oana Nechifor

