23 Δεκεμβρίου, 2020

Patriarch of All Romania Daniel: We Christians are called upon to relieve those in need



On the occasion of the great church holidays, the Patriarch of All Romania, His Beatitude Daniel, addressed a message to the primates of Autocephalous and Autonomous Orthodox Churches.
Among others, His Beatitude stressed that within the context of the ongoing pandemic, humanity is experiencing a very difficult period – with many people in isolation, at home or in hospitals

He stressed “…we, Christians, are called upon to relieve the afflicted and needy, the poor families, the elderly, and the lonely, discouraged, grieved and saddened, offering them a sign of Christ’s merciful love for them, a good word and a good act.”

The Romanian Patriarch reminded that the Feast of the Nativity becomes an occasion for strengthening communion, mutual assistance and acts of mercy.
