31 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia refers to Orthodox Church’s struggle in Montenegro


The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, His Holiness Kirill, in a sermon this week from the Monastery of Sretensky, emphasized that no one should remain oblivious to developments affecting the Orthodox world.

His Holiness directly referred to the situation in Montenegro, after last week’s ratification of a controversial law that the Orthodox Church in the country sternly condemned, charging that it opens the way for the confiscation of Patriarchate of Serbia properties and relics in the Adriatic country.

Kirill said “… Montenegro, a small country, and one with traditional ties to Russia, must accept a law that is not compatible with the Church’s tradition. The Metropolitan of Montenegro, Amphilochios, is struggling for the Church’s rights, and we must all support this struggle.”

The bill’s ratification was greeted by thousands of protesters on the streets of the country’s largest cities.



In Belgrade, both the Patriarch of Serbia, His Holiness Irinej, as well as Serbian President Alexander Vucic, speaking during their meeting on Tuesday, referred to the need to defuse the tension that has arisen in Montenegro over the past week.

The Serbian Patriarch, in fact, noted that “the situation in Montenegro must be normalized as soon as possible, so that a positive solution is found for the benefit of Montenegro and Serbia.”
