The Church of the Exaltation of the Lord’s Cross has a deep history in the village of Horostyta in eastern Poland. The first archival mention of the church comes from 1521, thus the parish community is celebrating its 500th anniversary this year.
Orthodoxy has had a difficult history in Horostyta, with events such as the Union of Brest that introduced Uniatism, the refugee crisis, the expulsion of the Orthodox community to eastern Ukraine in 1944-1945, and the Vistula-Order offensive by the Red Army in January 1945, which posed a constant threat to the life of the Orthodox community in Horostyta, reports the Polish Orthodox Church.
A new era for the parish began in 2003, with the appointment of the young, energetic Fr. Tomasz łotysz, who began the difficult work of revitalizing the historic churches in Horostyta and the surrounding villages. Starting in 2006, the Exaltation of the Cross Church and its belltower underwent significant repairs and expansions. The initiatives were awarded the 2021 Lublin Conservation Award.
The 500th anniversary was liturgically celebrated on Sunday, September 26, by His Eminence Archbishop Abel of Lublin and Chełm, who was solemnly greeted at the entrance to the church by the parish clergy and parishioners and local authorities.
The ancient wooden church was filled with Orthodox faithful who came to celebrate the anniversary and the festive reconsecration of the renovated church. Abp. Abel addressed the faithful with an archpastoral word following the reading of the Holy Gospel.
Following the service, His Eminence awarded Fr. Tomasz the Order of St. Mary Magdalene and gave icons of the Chełm Mother of God Icon to those who labored over the renovation of the church.
In honor of the 500th anniversary, a stone boulder with a memorial cross was erected by the bell tower in the church courtyard.
The church then celebrated its patronal fast the following day.
In July, the Church of Sts. Peter and Paul in Siemiatycze celebrated its 590th anniversary.
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