20 Ιανουαρίου, 2021

Poll: The Church remains the most trusted institution in Romania


A poll made by the Center for Urban and Regional Sociology – CURS between January 11-15 found that the Church remains the most trusted institution in Romania.

The research report showed that 62% of the Romanians place a high and very high degree of trust in the Church. On the second place came local councils, trusted by 60% of Romanians.

These are the only institutions trusted by more than half of the participants to the poll.

Romanians showed the least of trust in Political Parties (11% of Romanians trust them), the Parliament (12%) and the Government (26%).

Other findings: The National Bank of Romania – BNR is trusted by 42% of Romanians, while the Presidency is trusted by 35% of them. Mass Media is trusted by 29% and NGOs by 27%.

The poll was made on a sample of 1,100 respondents aged 18 and more, with a maximum error amount of +/-3% for a trust level of 95%. The population sample was validated based on the latest data from the National Institute of Statistics (INS).

Photo credit: Basilica.ro / Raluca Ene

