19 Νοεμβρίου, 2019

Prayerful gathering at the Serbian military cemetery in Szeged


His Grace Bishop Lukijan of Budim served on 17 November 2019 the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of Saint Nicholas in Szeged, Hungary.

The Bishop was concelebrated by local priests. The Holy Liturgy was prayerfully attended by Colonel Rasa Lazovic, envoy of the Defense of the Republic of Serbia in Budapest; Representative of the Embassy of Serbia to Hungary Mr. Aleksandar Loncarevic; president of the Self-government of Serbs in Hungary Mrs. Vera Pejic Sutor; Serbian member of the Hungarian Parliament Mr. Ljubomir Aleksov as well as by some faithful from Szeged and surroundings.

Wreaths were laid on the central monument to Serb victims of World War I by the leadership of the Serb Self-Government in Hungary, the delegation of the Defense and the Embassy R. Serbia, Serbian self-government from Deska, Serbian self-government from Novi Sentivan and hosts Serbian self-government from Szeged.

The Military cemetery in Szeged is located within the Serbian Orthodox cemetery. It was renewed with funds from the Hungarian Government at the end of 2017 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Great War. There is a total of 564 tombstones in the Szeged Military Cemetery, mainly Serbs killed in World War I, but also soldiers of other nationalities.


