09 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019

Prayers before the miraculous icon of Axion Estin for the fires in Australia to cease


Prayers before the miraculous icon of Axion Estin for the fires in Australia to cease. This blessed icon is one of, if not, the most sacred icon on Mount Athos.

Our monasteries and church at Mangrove Mountain are at great threat and the Nativity Church in Port Adelaide has had a major fire, it is at exactly such times we need to turn to prayer.

Today we pray for those suffering and for our shepherd in Christ, Archbishop Makarios of Australia.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The miraculous Axion Estin icon is kept in the high place in the sanctuary of the main church in Karyes, the capital of Mount Athos.

Today, I made the journey again to this sacred place to venerate one of the most sacred icons in Orthodox Christianity and to importantly pray on behalf of the brothers and sisters at home suffering from the fires, including our two monasteries in Mangrove Mountain.

This short recording that was filmed with the blessing of the monk who allows entry into the church, it is my public prayer for everyone back home in Australia having afterwards had the opportunity to stay and pray privately.

The Church is known as Protaton because it was the first church to be built on the Holy Mountain in the year 843 by Saint Athanasios the Athonite. There is other footage that has been taken in this sacred place both during the most recent feast day service and after others had left today, this will be edited together and released at some stage on my return to Australia, God-willing.


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