12 Ιανουαρίου, 2021

Press release regarding the statements of Bishop Grigorije


The faithful people and the public on general were in the previous festal days, otherwise tormented by the epidemic and the suffering of people and their property by the earthquake in the Banija region, additionally confused by some statements of Bishop Grogorije of Dusseldorf and Germany, which are exclusively of a political, even of a party character, and have nothing to do with the faith in Christ the Savior or with the mission of the Orthodox Church.

The Holy Synod of Bishops feels obliged to inform in this matter all those who the relating political statements attribute to the Serbian Orthodox Church or bring them in any way in connection with her, that they are exclusively personal attitude and an engagement of an individual, done not in capacity of a hierarch of the believing People of God, but exclusively in capacity of a citizen. To what an extent a political or a state-legal activity of bishops and clerics is allowed and blessed, the Church itself exclusively values and judges, autonomously and independently, on the basis of her canonical order.

From the Office of the Holy Synod of Bishops
Serbian Orthodox Church

