09 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019

Reposed Elder Ephraim of Arizona laid to rest on Wed. at St. Anthony’s Monastery


A funeral service will be held early Wednesday afternoon in southern Arizona, local time, for the Elder Ephraim of Arizona, who reposed in the Lord on Sunday morning.
Fr. Ephraim was a hieromonk for seven decades and the co-founder of the St. Anthony’s Monastery in Florence, Arizona, relocating to the Sonora Desert to start a new monastery along with six other Athonite monks.

He was previously the Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Philotheou on Mt. Athos.

Fr. Ephraim was the spiritual child of the Elder Joseph the Hesychast.
The reposed Elder was also a pioneer of Orthodox monasticism to North America, helping found numerous monasteries in the United States and Canada.
According to reports, the Archbishop of America, His Eminence Elpidophoros, will attend the funeral service, along with the Metropolitan of Atlanta, His Eminence Alexios, as well as the Abbot of the Monastery of Philotheou, the Elder Nikodimos.

Many of Ephraim’s spiritual children from around the world, including monks from various Orthodox monasteries, and mourners have already arrived at the St. Anthony’s Monastery to pay their last respects to one of the most significant contemporary figures in Orthodox monastic asceticism.

His Eminence Elpidophoros had travelled to St. Anthony Monastery last August, where he also met with the reposed Elder Ephraim.

At the time, Elpidophoros expressed his gratitude to the Elder Ephraim, saying that the Archdiocese of America will always remain a supporter of the monks, nuns, Abbots, Abbesses and Fathers, “…who have chosen this difficult path. I have learned to love, respect and protect the monasteries,” as he said.
Several features have been posted today on the pages of the Orthodoxia news agency, detailing the more than seven decades of his monastic and spiritual path.
