16 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021

Romania marks International Greek Language Day with Vasilopita cutting, online event


The celebration of the International Greek Language Day began in Romania three years ago.

The legislative initiative belonged to Dragos Gabriel Zisopol, chairman of the Hellenic Union in Romania. February 9 has been selected as the day to celebrate the Greek language because it coincides with the Commemoration Day of Greece’s “national poet” Dionysios Solomos.

Dionysios Solomos (1798-1857) is the author of Greece’s national anthem, consisting of 158 stanzas.

The Greek Language Day was established by Law no. 204/2018, to preserve the traditions, culture and mother tongue of persons belonging to this ethnic minority in Romania.

On Greek Language Day, cultural events occur in the localities where members of the Greek or Philo-Hellenic community live, which can be logistically and financially supported by central and local public administration authorities and NGOs.

The Hellenic Union of Romania celebrated this Day on Tuesday with a marathon event.

In a marathon celebration, which lasted over 5 hours, the immortal Greek language was honoured by ambassadors, senior officials of the Romanian and Greek state administrations, academicians, deputies, university professors from Romania and Greece, politicians, mayors, personalities from the Greek business environment, representatives of Greek and Austrian radio and television stations, writers, poets, teachers from all over Europe, Olympians, presidents of Romanian Associations in the Hellenic Republic, Greek Language Promotion Associations in Greece, members of the Hellenic Union of Romania and other guests.

In the same context, the cutting of the Vasilopita took place at the “Annunciation” Greek Church in Bucharest on Sunday.


basilica.ro // Photo source: Facebook / Uniunea Elenă din România
