30 Νοεμβρίου, 2019

Romanian elder Arsenie (Boca) commemorated on 30th anniversary of his repose


Fr. Arsenie Boca, one of the most prominent Romanian elders of the 20th century, reposed in the Lord on November 28, 1989. It was recently announced that he is being considered for canonization by the Holy Synod of the Romanian Church.

In the meantime, he was prayerfully commemorated yesterday at Prislop Monastery in Silvașu de Sus, where he is buried, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his repose.

The Divine Liturgy and parastas memorial service were celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Laurențiu of Transylvania, His Grace Bishop Nicodim of Severin and Strehaia, His Grace Bishop Gurie of Deva and Hunedoara, His Grace Bishop Paisie, vicar of the Archdiocese of Timișoara, and His Grace Bishop Daniil of Dacia Felix, and a large number of priests and deacons, reports the Diocese of Deva and Hunedoara.

Met. Laurențiu spoke to the pilgrims about the steps in the procession of the canonization of Elder Arsenie, and Bp. Daniil spoke about the spiritual personality of Fr. Arsenie and its reception today, 30 years after his transition to eternal life, noting that his grave is one of the most important places of pilgrimage in the country. Bp. Gurie thanked the clergy and pilgrims who came to pray at Prislop Monastery.

Following the Divine Liturgy, a memorial service was celebrated in the church, and then at his grave, located in the monastery’s cemetery, and Fr. Simion Todoran from Alba Iulia spoke on the prophetic character of Fr. Arsenie’s theological work.

The Metropolitan Council of the Metropolis of Transylvania approved of the canonization file on Elder Arsenie prepared by the special Metropolitan Theological Commission in September. As the Basilica News Agency reports, the Romanian Synod took note of this proposal at its late-October session and passed it on to the Synodal Subcomittee for Canonizations, which will invite specialists from different areas of competence to draw up reports on the canonization from the perspective of theological expertise, Church painting, and monastic discipline.


— Source: orthochristian.com
