21 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019

Romanian Patriarchate’s annual Christmas carol concert opens with moment of silence for victims of Romanian Revolution


‘The over 1,000 heroes who died 30 years ago are spiritual founders of the National Cathedral. For them and for all national martyrs, the Romanian Orthodox Church offers prayers with gratitude. In their remembrance, we invite you to have a moment of silence,’ presenter Catalin Sava said opening the Romanian Patriarchate’s annual Christmas carol concert ‘The Orient from on High’ on Tuesday, December 17, 2019.

The audience remained silent as a token of gratitude and honour to the martyrs of the Romanian people.

Thirty years ago, the first Romanians died in Timisoara for national freedom. ‘The calmness of our freedom today cost us a lot,’ Catalin Sava said.

Performing at the concert were the choir of the ‘Metropolitan Nifon’ Orthodox Theological Seminary in Bucharest and the Tronos Byzantine Choir of the Patriarchal Cathedral.

After the concert, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel spoke about the Romanian village as an environment that expresses the joy of Christmas through carols.

The event concluded by having all those present singing along the most famous Romanian carol ‘O, what wonderful tidings’ (O, ce veste minunată).

The concert was organized by the Basilica Media Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate.


— Source and Photography: basilica.ro
