21/12/2019 21/12/2019 On 18th December 2019, a meeting of the commission for acceptance of decoration works at the Church of St. Sava in Vračar took place at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Belgrade. In compliance with an agreement between the ‘Hometowns’ Foundation for Support of Social Initiatives and the Serbian Orthodox Church of 23rd...
21 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019 - 12:15

Russia completes yet another stage in creating mosaic decoration for Cathedral of St. Sava in Belgrade

Russia completes yet another stage in creating mosaic decoration for Cathedral of St. Sava in Belgrade

On 18th December 2019, a meeting of the commission for acceptance of decoration works at the Church of St. Sava in Vračar took place at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Belgrade.

In compliance with an agreement between the ‘Hometowns’ Foundation for Support of Social Initiatives and the Serbian Orthodox Church of 23rd March 2019, a team of the Russian mosaicists from the Moscow International Foundation for Cooperation with UNESCO, led by Mr. Nikolai Mukhin, People’s Artist of Russia, created the mosaic decoration for the sanctuary and the central part of the Cathedral of St. Sava in Belgrade, in the total area of 2,000 square meters.

Greeting the participants in the meeting on behalf of Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, Archpriest Vitaly Tarasyev, rector of the Russian Orthodox Church’s metochion in Belgrade, said in particular: “I would like to recall the two great hierarchs of the Holy Orthodox Church – Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia and Patriarch Pavle of Serbia – who laid the foundation of this joint Serbian-Russian project of decorating the Church of St. Sava in Vračar. Following in their footsteps in this endeavour pleasing unto God were the current Primates of our Churches: His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia. This grandiose Serbian-Russian project promotes and strengthens the centuries-old ties between the peoples of Russia and Serbia through the joint work at the holy site in the city of Belgrade – the Cathedral of St. Sava in Vračar.”

To conclude the meeting, the commission members signed the acceptance certificate. A reception followed, marking the completion of yet another stage in decorating the Church of St. Sava.


— Source: DECR Communication Service / mospat.ru

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