26 Ιανουαρίου, 2021

Saint Sava’s Academy in Nis


WIth the blessing of His Grace Bishop Arsenije of Nis, a traditional Saint Sava’s Academy was held in Saint Sava’s House at Cathedral church in Nis on 25 January 2021.

The academy in honor of Saint Sava, prince, monk, writer, diplomat and the first Archbishop of the autocephalous Serbian Orthodox Church was organized by the Church Municipality of the City of Nis and the Nis Church Choir “Branko”, with the support of the City of Nis, University of Nis and the Army Command.

The Academy was ceremoniously opened with the anthem of the Republic of Serbia performed by the choir of the Nis Church Choir “Branko” in the presence of His Grace Bishop Arsenije of Nis, the Mayor of Nis, Mrs. Dragana Sotirovski; the representatives of the city authorities and local self-government, the rector of the University of Nis Professor Dragan Antić, PhD; Rector of the Theological Seminary of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Nis, protopresbyter-staurophor Milutin Timotijevic; representatives of the Serbian Army, clergy and citizens of NiS and the surrounding areas.

– All the culture, all science, history, literature of our people are gathered in the person of Saint Sava, and in that way he himself became the collective noun of all of us together, the personification of everything noble and good in our kin, Bishop Arsenije said.

This year’s speaker was Professor Milovan Bratic,PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Nis, who reminded all present of the educational and teaching contribution of St. Sava.

Participants in the rich art program were Nis Church Choir “Branko” with conductor Mrs. Sara Cincarevic, Children’s and Youth Church Choir “Branko” with conductor Mrs. Jovana Mikic, Children’s Drama Section prepared by Mrs. Suzana Milovanovic and the newly established Church Orchestra “Branko” from Leskovac.

