16/02/2021 16/02/2021 His Grace Bishop Gerasim of Gornji Karlovac celebrated his Patron Saint and baptismal name – Holy Martyr Triphon, with the solemn Holy Hierarchal LIturgy in the Cathedral church of Holy Father Nicholas of Myrrha, the Wonderworker, on 14 February 2021. HIs Grace Bishop Heruvim of Osek-Polje and Baranja officiated the eucharistic gathering with the concelebration...
16 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021 - 14:40
Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 16/02/2021 - 14:45

Saint Triphon – Patron Saint-day of Bishop Gerasim of Gornji Karlovac

Saint Triphon – Patron Saint-day of Bishop Gerasim of Gornji Karlovac

His Grace Bishop Gerasim of Gornji Karlovac celebrated his Patron Saint and baptismal name – Holy Martyr Triphon, with the solemn Holy Hierarchal LIturgy in the Cathedral church of Holy Father Nicholas of Myrrha, the Wonderworker, on 14 February 2021.

HIs Grace Bishop Heruvim of Osek-Polje and Baranja officiated the eucharistic gathering with the concelebration of the host, Bishop Gerasim, Archimandrite Naum (Milkovic), MA; protopresbyter-staurophors Goran Petkovic and Milidrag Stokanovic, presbyter Goran Kalamanda, as well as deacons Vojislav Nikolic and Budimir Kokotovic.

По заамвоној молитви епископ Херувим је благословио хлеб и жито који су принети у славу Божју и у част Светог мученика Трифуна. Беседећи по завршетку свете Литургије епископ Херувим је честитао славу и празник епископу Герасиму:

After the prayer, Bishop Heruvim blessed the slava cake and wheat that were offered to the glory of God and in honour of the Holy Martyr Trifun. Speaking at the end of the Holy Liturgy, Bishop Heruvim congratulated Patron Saint-day and feastd day to Bishop Gerasim.

The joy of the feast day was increased by the presence of the Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb and Ljubljana, PhD, and the Bishop Nikodim of Dalmatia.


— Source: Diocese of Gornji Karlovac / spc.rs

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