Saturday of Souls observed throughout Orthodoxy, amid pandemic

The Church today observes the Saturday of Souls.
Through the Apostolic Constitutions, the Church of Christ received the custom to make commemorations for the departed on the third, ninth and 40th days after their repose.
Since many throughout the ages, because of an untimely death in a faraway place, or other adverse circumstances, many have died without being deemed worthy of the appointed memorial services, thus the divine Fathers, decreed that a common memorial be made on this specific day for all pious Orthodox Christians who reposed from all ages past, so those who did not have particular memorial services may be included in this common one for all.
In Greece on Saturday, March 6, most of the Divine Liturgies celebrated in cathedrals were conducted, unfortunately, without the presence of worshippers, due to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions regarding public assembly indoors and non-essential outdoors.
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