10 Δεκεμβρίου, 2018

Serbian hierarch expresses support to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church


In his letter sent to Metropolitan Antony of Borispol and Brovary, Bishop Joanikije of Budimlje and Nikšić (Serbian Orthodox Church) expressed full support to the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

As the Union of the Orthodox Journalists reports, Metropolitan Antony, Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, told about it at his Facebook page.

“Seeing what is going on in Ukraine these days as concerns the Orthodox Church, we especially want to express our fraternal and prayerful support to the bishops, long-suffering flock and the clergy of the only canonical branch of Orthodoxy in Ukraine, in which you carry out your ministry. Our clerics and laypeople feel constant prayerful concern for their brothers in Ukraine, as is evidenced by the visits to parishes where clergy and laity inquire with great interest about the situation in Ukraine affecting the Church,” the letter reads.

Bishop Joanikije of Budimlje and Nikšić says in his letter, “We see that despite all the attacks, oppressions, threats, attempts to discredit, the Church continues to perform its mission and enjoys immense authority and respect among other Local Churches. As you know, at the recent session of the Bishops’ Council our Serbian Church represented by the entire episcopate stated it clearly.”

“May the Lord continue to grant you spiritual strength to preserve the Robe of the Holy Church pure and undefiled, the unity among brothers, which you have recently apostolically affirmed at the meeting of Bishops in the Kiev Dormition Lavra of the Caves. Christ is in our midst!” the Serbian hierarch says in conclusion.

DECR Communication Service
