18 Δεκεμβρίου, 2020

Sharp reactions in free part of Cyprus over T/C occupation institution’s attempt to manage Christian churches



The Union of Occupied Municipalities on the island republic of Cyprus has sharply reacted to reports by which a Turkish-Cypriot religious property foundation, known as Evkaf, is claiming authority to manage churches in the Turkish-occupied north.
The Union underlined that actions, such as the use of the Archangel Michael cathedral in Lefkonoiko for a so-called charity event, are provocative.

In an announcement, the union cited a Cypriot proverb, whereby “…he who has no shame owns the world”, in order to describe the Evkaf’s illegal actions.

The union was responding to a statement by Evkaf, in which the latter claimed that churches in the occupied north fall under the administration, care and protection of the Muslim foundation.

The Union of Occupied Municipalities also accused Evkaf of showing particular audacity in claiming that it can open churches, buildings which have been renovated with EU and UN funds, in order to use them for social and cultural events.

The union points out that the destruction of Christian heritage in the north of Cyprus is well known, while Evkaf’s claims are misleading.
