07 Ιανουαρίου, 2020

Special assignment by Orthodoxia news agency to Patriarchate of Alexandria

An Orthodoxia news agency news crew was in Alexandria, Egypt on Monday to cover the Feast of the Epiphany and the Great Blessing of the Waters. An extensive feature is posted today on the pages of the Orthodoxia news agency.

During his address to the faithful during the celebrations in the ancient metropolis, the Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, His Divine Beatitude Theodoros II, conveyed a message of unity, love and solidarity, while also expressing sadness over the situation in North Africa, especially in strife-plagued Libya.

An exclusive interview by the Patriarch of Alexandria will soon be posted on the pages of the Orthodoxia news agency, where His Divine Beatitude discusses Orthodox missionary work in Africa, peace efforts, combating poverty and the contentious issue of autocephaly for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
