07 Φεβρουαρίου, 2020

St. John of Damascus Theological Institute students visit prison in Amioun


In the context of the social and family pastoral course at the St. John of Damascus Theological Institute –University of Balamand, the second year students paid a visit to the prison in Amioun on February 5, 2020.

They prayed the Paraklisis together with the prisoners, after which they had personal meetings with the prisoners, listening to their problems and their daily life difficulties.

Moreover, the students met the Captain in Charge of the Prison at the Amioun Security Headquarters, where they discussed the conditions, concerns, and daily challenges of the prisoners. The Captain presented his experience on addressing these prison life difficulties, explaining how the Church and priests can alleviate the suffering of the prisoners.

The visit was an occasion for the students of theology to test the importance of personal visits and moral support in ministering to the prisoners.


— Source: theology.balamand.edu.lb
