21/12/2019 21/12/2019 On the 20th of December, Tbilisi Theological Academy and Seminary was visited by the Director of the Centre of Research and Consultations on Addictions, the Psychologist Mrs. Marina Kacharava. Mrs. Marina Kacharava gave a lecture on the theme: “The Problem of Addictions Among Children and Teenagers and the Ways of Coping with Them”. Although the...
21 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019 - 12:22

Tbilisi Theological Academy and Seminary was visited by the Director of the Centre of Research and Consultations on Addictions

Tbilisi Theological Academy and Seminary was visited by the Director of the Centre of Research and Consultations on Addictions

On the 20th of December, Tbilisi Theological Academy and Seminary was visited by the Director of the Centre of Research and Consultations on Addictions, the Psychologist Mrs. Marina Kacharava. Mrs. Marina Kacharava gave a lecture on the theme: “The Problem of Addictions Among Children and Teenagers and the Ways of Coping with Them”.

Although the lecture had been assigned for the topic concerning children and teenagers, due to the topicality of the issue, the guest touched also the questions connected with various addictions among adults.

The lecture comprised stages of a child development from the prenatal period up to their adulthood and factors, which may cause different psychological disorders. The speaker broadly discussed the problems, which are followed by drug addiction, gambling, computer games and gadgets. In addition, accentuated was the fact how undesired is when the bond between children and their parents break, the aftermath of which is addiction. Children watch the screens of tablets. All this has a destructive influence on their psych and capability.

The last part of the lecture was continued in the form of a dialogue in which she was asked many questions.

The Psychologist Marina Kacharava familiarized the audience with definite ways for coping with the aforementioned problems. All the questions were considered in the dimension of the Orthodox faith in correlation with the thoughts of the Holy Fathers of the Church.


— Source: tsas.ge

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