20 Ιανουαρίου, 2021

The Cathedral School Admissions


The Cathedral School is a Nursery (3 year old program), Pre K 4, and Kindergarten – 5th grade co- educational day school that offers a nurturing environment while preparing young minds for a rigorous academic education rooted in the principles of Hellenism. The curriculum integrates the most up to date educational methods while adhering to the ancient Greek tradition of paideia which views education as character formation, responsibility and the pursuit of excellence in all forms.

The school offers a family like environment beginning with our youngest learners. Certified trained teachers encourage hands-on inquiry, cooperative and independent learning, and rich language experiences.

In Nursery and Pre Kindergarten a focus on social and emotional skills and personal responsibility enhance each child’s development socially and academically. In Kindergarten, and on social-emotional and academic growth builds upon early learned skills and work towards formal instruction in the subject areas of reading, writing, mathematics, social studies, science, Greek language and culture.

Schedules at every grade level are carefully planned to include work, nutrition, physical activities, rest and enjoyment. The teachers instill a love of learning in each of our young students that is apparent every day.

Greek Language and Culture:

Instruction in Greek begins with the earliest grades and is based on oral communication and play. The youngest students sing songs, play games and listen to stories in Greek. As children grow older they learn to recognize the letters and sounds of the Greek alphabet eventually moving on to enriched vocabulary, reading, writing, culture and philosophy. The goal is to teach the riches of the Greek language as a medium of communication, a linguistic foundation and an initial view into the art and history of western civilization.

Enrichment and Specials:

Students in all grades participate in specials such as art, physical education, music, and technology which complement and enhance their school day.

The program is focused on addressing the needs of the whole child; intellectual, social, emotional and physical through the use of developmentally appropriate instruction making the most of the energy, curiosity and desire to learn.


For more information on The Cathedral School Admissions process please visit the School website at https://www.cathedralschoolny.org/ under the menu tab ADMISSIONS.

Contact Information:


319 East 74th Street

New York, NY 10021

