18 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021

The meeting at which the new Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Chruch will be elected, is to be held today


Holy Synod of Bishops, at which 46th Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church will be elected, will be held today in the crypt of Saint Sava Temple at noon.

Before that, at 9 o’clock, a holy liturgy was held, which is common prior to every assembly, it was confirmed to Tanjug in the Patriarchate of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Most bishops have already arrived in Belgrade, and for now it is certain that Bishop Siluan of Australia and New Zealand will not attend the Parliament, due to the measures that Australia introduced against COVID pandemic, as well as Bishop Luka of Western Europe due to poor health, while the presence of bishop Pachomije of Vranje, who recently contracted coronavirus, is uncertain.

This will be the first time that the Assembly is held at a location outside the Patriarchate, and the reason why the Temple of Saint Sava was chosen is the COVID pandemic and more favorable conditions that exist in this large area to implement protection measures.

Candidates for Patriarch can be any of the 30 archbishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church with at least five years of diocesan service, and 39 of them have the right to vote, as many as the Council has members. According to the procedure, the archbishops first choose among themselves until they select three candidates, and the time for that is not limited.

The condition for election is more than half of the bishops present. According to the choice of the three candidates, their names are placed in the gospel, from which the envelope with the name is pulled out by a monk from a monastery, who is deemed to be a great clergyman.


