19 Νοεμβρίου, 2018

The Order of Holy King Milutin to Mr. Mileta Radojevic


I will do my best to help the Diocese of Sumadija as well as the other dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which is the policy of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Justice, said Dr. Mileta Radojevic, Director of the Office for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities, receiving the high Church decoration.

His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadija celebrated the Feast of the Renovation of the Church of St. George as his Patron saint in the Diocesan Residence in Kragujevac on 16 November 2018. On that occasion he handed in the Order of St. King Milutin to Mr. Mileta Radojevic, Director of the Office for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia.

A high Church distinction was granted to Mr. Radojevic by the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church at a proposal of the Bishop of Sumadija. Bishop Jovan pointed out: “Mr. Radojevic is a man of the Church, full of love and understanding for the Serbian Orthodox Church. This high decoration is a small sign of attention for everything that he has done for our holy Church.”

Receiving the order, Mr. Mile Radojevic expressed his deep gratitude to the Serbian Orthodox Church, especially to Bishop Jovan, at whose proposal he was awarded the Order of the Holy King Milutin. “When you receive such a decoration, you cannot help but wonder if you deserve it,” he said and emphasized that he did not contribute himself to his Church, but he and his associates tried to always help where it was most needed, implementing the policy of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. – We pray for the symphony of the State and the Church, said Dr. Radojevic, underlining that the Diocese of Sumadija in terms of reconstruction is among the first ones…”

Source: Radio Slovo ljubve
