10 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021

The Pontiaki Estia of Melbourne looks to the youth to carry on the flame


The cutting of the New Year’s vasilopita took place on February 7 in the renovated hall of the Pontiaki Estia. Political and religious authorities of the Parish and the members and friends of the association attended the event.

Consul General of Greece in Melbourne Emmanuel Kakavelakis also joined the celebrations with his family, Archiepiscopal Vicar Archimandrite father Evmenios Vasilopoulos and the president of the Australian Federation of Pontian Associations, Simela Stamatopoulos.

The turnout was impressive and the warm hospitality offered by president Costas Tsaprailidis was greatly appreciated by all.
Event and greetings
The event began with the blessing and the cutting of the vasilopita by the Archiepiscopal Vicar Archimandrite, who greeted the attendees with the warmest words, spoke about the work and contribution of the Pontian Center and stood in the large presence of the Youth of the association. In closing, he gave a message of unity and stressed that together we can achieve things that sometimes we believe are impossible.

Mr Kakavelakis also shared some well wishes and after thanking the Board for the beautiful reception and hospitality, he stressed that “we are not alone today, we come from the past. That is why we have a past, we have a present and with the Youth that I see here we will definitely have a future”.

Ms Stamatopoulos praised the work of the Pontian Center and said she was optimistic about its future after emphasising the quality of work done there.

The President of the Pontian Ladies, Litsa Athanasiadou, thanked from the bottom of her heart the attendees and especially Fr Evmenios for his excellent cooperation in the Relief Program of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia during the fundraising for COVID-19 support.
Closing off the greetings was Vice President of the association John Pilalidis, representing the Board, noted “Hellenism and our people will move forward when elders recognise the value of the younger ones and the younger ones make better people”.

The coin was found in the slice cut for the elderly section of the association and the group’s representative Antonis Savronidis made a celebratory donation of $200 to the Pontiaki Estia.


