17 Ιανουαρίου, 2021

The President of the Provincial Government visited the Diocese of Srem


Renovation of the Cathedral church, the Patriarchal Palace and the Boarding School of the Theological Seminary

His Grace Bishop Vasilije of Srem accompanied by the Rector of the Theological Seminary, archpriest Jovan Milanovic, the head of the Cathedral Church, and priest Dusko Maslaric, the Secretary of the Diocese, received Mr. Igor Mirovicć, President of the Provincial Government, with the delegation at the residence in Sremski Karlovci on January 13, 2021. The delegations consisted of Provincial Secretary for Culture, Public Information and Relations with Religious Communities, Ms. Dragana Milosevic; Provincial Secretary for Regional Development, International Cooperation and Local Self-Government, Mr. Alexander Sofic, as well as Mr. Nedeljko Kovacevic, director of the Capital Investment Administration of Vojvodina.

The meeting was also attended by Mr. Aleksandar Stojkevic, President of the Municipality of Sremski Karlovci, and Mr. Zoran Vapa, Director of the Provincial Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments, as well as Ms. Tatjana Djukanovic, the chief of the Office of the President of the Provincial Government.

After the welcome in front of the Cathedral church and a tour of the works on the facade of the Cathedral church and the Patriarchal Palace, it was stated with satisfaction at the Bishop’s residence that the works are being carried out according to plan and deadlines, and that they will be completed on time. Prime Minister Mirovic pointed out that the Provincial Government has already determined funds from the Fund for Sremski Karlovci for the new roof of the Boarding School, as well as the remaining parts of the facade of the Patriarchal Palace. The intentions are that the other buildings of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the coming period will not only be decorated, but will be appropriately lit and presented to the residents of Sremski Karlovci and visitors.

After the conversation, the delegation briefly visited the seminary. The pleasant meeting ended with the hope that the new year will be better both in terms of work and efficiency, as well as in terms of the disease that has greatly disrupted the plans of the whole society.


— Source: Diocese of Srem / spc.rs
