09/05/2024 09/05/2024 With dignity and ecclesiastical order, with the great participation of the pious flock, the Holy Services of Holy Week and the Bright Resurrection were held in the Holy Archdiocese of Qatar. His Eminence the Archbishop Makarios of Qatar presided over the Holy Services, with the co-celebration of the Rev. Elias Barakat. Many believers reverently and...
09 Μαΐου, 2024 - 16:36
Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 09/05/2024 - 16:37

The week of the Passions and Holy Easter in Doha, Qatar

The week of the Passions and Holy Easter in Doha, Qatar

With dignity and ecclesiastical order, with the great participation of the pious flock, the Holy Services of Holy Week and the Bright Resurrection were held in the Holy Archdiocese of Qatar.

His Eminence the Archbishop Makarios of Qatar presided over the Holy Services, with the co-celebration of the Rev. Elias Barakat.

Many believers reverently and contentedly participated in the Holy Communion and many came from the cities of the Emirates and from Saudi Arabia to the Holy Sacraments of Unction and Confession.

The services were held in Greek, Arabic, Slavonic, Serbian, Romanian and English for the fuller participation of the multilingual flock. The cantors wonderfully rendered the hymns and the choirs sang the Praises of Good Friday in Arabic, Greek and Serbian.

On Good Friday and the night of Holy Saturday, the Russian Ambassador, Mr Dimitri Dugadkin, the Representative of the Greek Embassy in Doha, Mrs Evangelia Tsaga, the Deputy Head of the Serbian Embassy, ​​Mr Slobodan Radeka, and the representative of the Embassy of Moldova, Mr Mihai Neamtsou attended the services.

On Good Friday, in an atmosphere of deep sadness and emotion, the Epitaph Service and the procession took place inside the Episcopal Hall.

On the night of Holy Saturday, a crowd of Christians filled the Holy Cathedral and its courtyard. They continued to participate in the Divine Liturgy, partaking of almost all of the Immaculate Mysteries, and the blessing of the Easter eggs and offerings followed.

From the Holy Archdiocese of Qatar


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