13 Δεκεμβρίου, 2020

Three families receive housing from diocese of Huşi in time for winter


Three more needy families have received housing from the Romanian Huşi Diocese as part of the diocesan Joy is at Home project.

Thus far, seven houses have been provided to families without material means. The first three were given to their respective families on June 1, in honour of International Children’s Day.

On Wednesday, December 9, three more families received the keys to their new houses from His Grace Bishop Ignatie of Huși, who also served the blessing of each new home, reports the diocesan press service.

One of the houses was offered to a family with three children from Huși, and another to an elderly woman from Huși. The third was given to another elderly woman, from the village of Boțești. The beneficiaries no longer have to worry about freezing in their makeshift homes, commented Fr. Vladimir Beregoi, head of the diocesan philanthropy program.

“Spiritually, in these days leading up to Christmas, we are trying to show our love for the poor, for the deprived,” said Bp. Ignatie.

“Today, with the help of God and through the good will and the open hearts of special people, we have blessed three more houses, which we have made available to these families… Unfortunately, there are also families who live in very small spaces, totally unsuitable, who do not have wood or food. The needs are great. As far as we can, we try to meet these needs,” His Grace added.

“We thank God Who motivates us and gives us the inner urge to see Him, Jesus born in the Bethlehem manger, in these children,” Bp. Ignatie said.

The Joy is at Home program builds and offers houses equipped with everything necessary: utilities, furniture, household appliances, dishes, clothes, etc. Another three homes will be blessed and offered to families in the immediate future.

Providing housing seems to be a common good deed in the Romanian Church. In March 2018, at the initiative of local priests, Romanian villagers purchased a home for a family with 9 children in Parhida; in August of last year, it was announced that the Archdiocese of Roman and Bacău was purchasing a house for the young family of a priest who died in a car accident; in October, it was reported that Hadâmbu Monastery in Schitu Hadâmbului, Iaşi County was building a house for a family with 10 children; and in November, it was reported that the Monastery of Sts. Ilie Iorest and Sava Brancovici in Valea Bistrei was building a house for a family with 7 children.

In June of this year, the Archdiocese of Timișoara bought and donated a house to a mother with five children who was herself a victim of domestic abuse. In December 2018, a family from Satchinez with 7 children received a house with 3 rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and all necessary amenities, and another family from Orțișoara with 6 children has also received housing from the Archdiocese of Timișoara.


Photography courtesy of Huși Diocese

English article by OrthoChristian

