06 Νοεμβρίου, 2020

US Embassy in Chisinau congratulates Metropolis of Bessarabia for philanthropic work during pandemic


The philanthropic work carried out by the Orthodox Metropolis of Bessarabia during the coronavirus pandemic was praised by the Embassy of the United States of America (USA) in Chisinau.

Congratulations were conveyed by Robert Keane, Human Rights Officer at the US Embassy to the Republic of Moldova, during a virtual meeting with the Metropolitan’s representative, Archdeacon Maxim Sturza. The meeting took place last week.

Following talks between the two parts, the Embassy of the United States of America expressed its intention to support the future philanthropic activity of the Metropolis.

“Thanks to a beautiful collaboration, the US Embassy in Chisinau offered to support and encourage the charitable activities of the Metropolis of Bessarabia, appreciating the efforts made by His Eminence the Metropolitan,” the website of the metropolis wrote.

So far, to reduce the effects of the pandemic, the Metropolis has provided medical equipment, food and other aid totalling 120,000 euros.

At the level of the Romanian Patriarchate, in the two months of the national state of emergency, the Church offered aid amounting to over 4.3 million euros (20,896,872 lei) to vulnerable people and medical institutions affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The entire philanthropic activity of the Orthodox Church was appreciated by the President of Romania who noted that “through prayer and support for those in difficulty, through help for those on the front line, the Romanian Orthodox Church has consistently participated in the national effort to combat the pandemic.”


Photo source: Lower Danube Archdiocese

