03 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021

Vicar bishop of His Holiness Patriarch of Bulgaria visits Representation of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in Sofia


On January 24, 2021, Bishop Polikarp of Belogradchik, vicar bishop of His Holiness Patriarch Neofit of the Orthodox Church in Bulgaria, visited the Representation of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in Sofia where he was met by Archimandrite Vassian (Zmeyev) and Archpriest Yevgeny Pavelchuk, the Representation’s rector and secretary respectively. Bishop Polikarp venerated the holy sites of the church, gave his blessing to the clergymen and laypersons, and celebrated a prayer service at the relics of St. Seraphim the Miracleworker.

That same day Bishop Polikarp officiated at the Divine Liturgy at the Church of St. Panteleimon the Great Martyr in the Sophia quarter Kniajevo attached to the Representation of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in Sofia. Archimandrite Vassian (Zmeyev), rector of the Patriarchal representation in Sofia; archimandrite Yevtimij (Koinov) of the church of Ss Cyril and Methodius; archpriest Deljan Tsvetkov, rector of St. Elijah church in Kniajevo; Rev.Dimitrij Tuhchiev of the church of St. Panteleimon; archpriest Konstantin Trenev of the church of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God; hierodeacons Varfolomej (Ferdov) and Polikarp (Terziev), and deacon Aleksandr Morozov.

During the divine service, priest Dimitrij Tuhchiev was elevated to the rank of archpriest, and Luyben Kisjov and Dimitros Ksilinakis, parishioners of the Patriarchal representation in Sofia, were tonsured as readers.

After the Divine Liturgy Archimandrite Vassian congratulated Bishop Polikarp on the feast day and thanked him for special attention to the life of the church of St. Panteleimon in Kniajevo. He noted that this church has been closely linked with the Russian emigrants of the early 20 th century who had found shelter in Bulgaria and had been received most hospitably by the fraternal Bulgarian people. Common divine services of the Bulgarian and Russian clergymen at the church of St. Panteleimon bear witness to the deep spiritual links and historical memory that we must keep and cherish.

Archimandrite Vassian noted in particular the arduous efforts of archpriest Dimitrij Tuhchiev of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church he had exerted for maintaining the church building that could have been affected by an extension of the roadway. Thanks to the active position of the clergy and laity the rebuilding plan had been amended. Archimandrite Vassian asked Bishop Polikarp to convey to His Holiness Patriarch Neofit gratitude and love of the clergymen and parishioners of the Representation of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in Sofia and of the church of St. Panteleimon in Kniajevo for his care and attention.

Bishop Polikarp expressed his gratitude for warm hospitable welcome and common prayers, emphasizing good relations and brotherly love between the Bulgarian and Russian Churches.


— Source: Representation of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in Sofia – DECR Communication Service / mospat.ru
